About Us

South Bend Virtual School serves full-time K-12 students who choose to take the majority of their classes online.

The Virtual School provides students with access to a quality South Bend Community School Corporation online education in an alternative and flexible environment for individualized learning.


About You

Do you desire a self-paced learning environment with access to teacher support and student interaction?

Are you outside of the district and desire a quality SBCSC education without physically attending a school building?

Do you require special accommodations that cannot be met in a school building?

Are you attending an SBCSC school but desire to take elective or advanced courses not offered at the school you currently attend?

Are you in need of a short- or long-term alternative to an in-person school setting (medical issues, awaiting disciplinary hearing, long-term travel, personal circumstances, etc.)?

Do you need credits or accelerated progress toward graduation?

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